понеділок, 9 січня 2017 р.

Урок англійської мови у 8 класі

Урок англійської мови у 8 класі
Тема: Британські письменники
Мета: Вдосконалювати лексичні навички і навички вимови, мовленнєві компетенції та навички аудіювання, читання і письма, прищеплювати зацікавлення літературою письменників Великобританії;
Розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів, мовну здогадку та культуру спілкування учнів, любов до поезії;
Виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, позитивне ставлення до читання, поважне ставлення до читацьких нахилів однокласників та виховувати національно-патріотичне ставлення до Батьківщини;
Обладнання: портрети британських письменників, підручник, роздатковий матеріал, презентація ( ноутбук)
Тип уроку: комбінований

Хід уроку
1.     Greeting
-         Good morning children! Good morning dear guests! I am glad to see you!
-         ( Children chant the greeting poem )
2.     Aim
-         Dear children, welcome to our lesson. Our lesson is devoted to British writers and their literature. You will know some new facts about famous writers and poets of Great Britain and we will make a stand “ British writers” which we will present to the pupils of our school.
3.     Warm-up
-         Listen to the riddle and say what it is about.
      I am a ship to lands of treasure,
I am a key to wisdom's pleasure.
I will always lead you on an upward streak
I have so much to tell you but cannot speak
If you can guess who might I be...
I will tell you all about the mysterious sea!
Who am I???( Book)
-          Let’s chant it chorally and individually.
4.     Cheking homework
-         What was your hometask for today?
-         Who wants to be the first?
-         During the last lesson we studied the biography and some poems of Taras Shevchenko. 
 5.     Speaking ( Pair work)
-         Look at the portraits of the writers and say whom of these British writers you know.
-         Who is an author that you like?
-         What books of this author do you know?
-         Let’s do such a task. You have a list of authors and the list of the names of the books. Your task is to match them using Past Simple Passive.
Treasure Island

Walter Scott
Adventures of Tom Sawyer

R. L.Stevenson
Jane Eyre

Alan Milne
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Pamela Travers

W. Shakespeare
The last Leaf

English ballads

Charles Dickens

Harry Potter

Lewis Carrol
Alice in Wonderland

Daniel Defoe

Mary Poppins

Charlotte Bronte
Robin Hood

Rudyard Kipling
Oliver Twist

Romeo and Juliet

Mark Twain
6.     Vocabulary practice
-         Today we will study only some of these writers and poets. These are : William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Robert Burns and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
-         But before I would like you  remember some definitions. Match the words with their definitions.
Stories, novels, poems, plays in the book

A place where the books for borrowing are kept

A person who writes books

A written account of events and
 people, either imagined or real
A story about the life in the
 future often describing space travel and life on other planets
Science fiction
A story which describes some crime events

A story which describes some
 events in history
Detective story
People described in a story or novel

7.     Presentation “ British writers and poets”
-         Look through the presentation, read the information about the writers and poets and do the task after it.
-         But before let us practise the words:

8.     Reading and practice ( group work)
-         I give you the information  about the authors and your task is to refer it to one of their portraits which you can see on the stand and stick it there with their names.
-         You will work in groups.
-         If you are ready, raise your hand.
9.     Reading and writing ( work with the text)
-         Open the books on p. 78 Ex. # 2.
-         Read the text and know more about Robert Burns.
-         You  will do some tasks after reading to show how you understood the meaning.
-         Open your copy-books, put down the date.
-         Find the sentences with such translations and put down them  into your copy-books:
 1.Роберт мав дуже складне життя.
 2. Він був поетом та ліриком.
 3. До 15 років Роберт Бернс був головним помічником своєму батькові на фермі.
          10. Practice
          - Unscramble the quotations, read and translate them:
                                                             (Chinese proverb)
                                                                                         (Paxton Hood)  
                                                                                  (Sir Richard Steel)
                                                                                     (Lemony Snicket)
                                                                                          (W. L. Phelps)
toreaditforasecondtimeistomeetanoldone.                                                                               (Chinese Saying)
       - What new have you known?
       - What are the authors names?
       - Your marks for the lesson....
        - Ex. 6 p.80

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